ok, I'm not a writter but here is something I must say.....even if noone is reading...
About 57% of Americans have two or three kids. Others have more. Only 7% of families stick to one child. Why then do they not have classes on how to prepare for two kids????? No one tells you that you’re not just doubling the number of kids but it will feel more like your quadrupling. Nothing prepares your for the emotional side of it too. So, what is the truth about having two kids? Here my top 10 things that I have learned in the two months that I have fit into this category:
1. When you leave the hospital you have a false feeling of “this is so much easier the second time around – I know how to do everything already!” – think again! You may know how to nurse, or calm a crying baby but how about doing that when your other child is whining, complaining and crying because you are nursing or calming your crying baby.
2. There is really no down time during the day. You are juggling two different schedules, so that midday two to three hour break might turn into a 15 – 30 minute (if your lucky 60 minutes) moment of silence that you need to use to clean and straighten up your house.
3. Will you ever feel like you are giving each child enough quality time? With your first your attention was undivided. Second one comes along and that is gone – for either child. In one hand, you feel really bad for your first born. You miss them, you feel sad when you see how they miss your attention and you miss the times when it was just you and your little buddy. On the other hand, you feel sad because you can’t spend all day looking and marveling over your new bundle of joy. You can’t hold your baby all the time and cater to its every need right when they need it. Sometimes these two feelings happen every other day, sometimes they happen several times in one day. It like riding an emotional roller coaster.
4. Two crying kids' (at the same time!) sounds 100 times louder than one.
5. Grocery shopping….hmmmmmm… lets eat out….hmmm….take that back….lets order in.
6. All of a sudden your toddler is eating anything you can get down their throat which might happen to be McDonalds on most days. J
7. Trying to get out of the house to go somewhere can take most of your morning.
8. You develop ADD, ADHA and all the other attention disorders J.
9. Your once well groomed toddler is now looking like he just woke up, dressed himself and ate at the same time. Oh, and lets not talk about how mommy is looking!
10. Its hard…on most days.
Yet, at the end of the day when they are both sleeping you never knew you could love two little kids so much and can’t imagine life without them both. And I know….it gets easier!