Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Hooker Family Reunion

Last month we took an airplane to Boise, Idaha where we rented an RV and drove 5 hours to Wallowa, Oregon for the annual "Hooker Family Reunion". Yes, my husbands grandma's maiden name is "Hooker". (They can date back their family to the early 1800s) She comes from a family of 14 siblings. her mother was pregnant for a total year span of 25 years!! There are only 5 remaining siblings. All of which are in their 80's or 90's.....but you would never tell they are all so spunky :). Here is Kai with Great Aunt Julia. She is 87 years old.

The seat next to me happen to be free so Nyomi slept the whole flight ..hehe...I buckled her in.

Kai wanted to drive the first leg of the trip...haha....we said no. :)

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