Thursday, July 9, 2009

"Relax Mommy!"

My son is a very vocal and emotional kid. He gets worked up and frustrated over the smallest things. So I have been working on teaching him how to calm himself down by counting to 10 and taking deep breathes. During the day I say, "Relax Kai" about a 100 times. Well, I got a dose of my own medicine the other day. We were all ready to go out to watch a free movie at Regal when I realized I didn't know where my car keys were. This happens to me alot. I looked all over the house for 10 minutes straight and was starting to get really frustrated. Then Nyomi started to cry cause she wanted me to carry her and Kai was starting to whine cause he was excited and ready to go watch the movie. At this point I started loosing my cool and start yelling at my kids to shushhh up! Kai, my 3 year old, looks at me and says, "Mommy don't say that. Relax." That made me stop and realize what kind of example I was setting for my kids at that moment. Seems I need a lesson or two on taking deep breathes and counting to 10.

1 comment:

Erin Rutenbar said...

I know I need that lesson daily. =) And I love that you are like me and can't always find your keys or cell phone.